Thanks to EduBP, Jenu Has the First Digital Library in Tuban

Tuban, 8th May 2021 — In order to improve community literacy in the digital era, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP) distributed assistance for libraries to provide digital services (go digital). Jenu Public Library was selected to be transformed into the first digital library in Tuban Regency.
This activity is part of the commitment of PT Pertamina (Perseo) and Balai Pustaka in the EduBP program. The two SOEs agreed to provide assistance in the form of 40 units of digital library devices to foundations, Islamic boarding schools, educational parks, reading gardens, and smart homes in the Pertamina operating unit area.
For Tuban Regency area, EduBP assistance was given to the Jenu District Public Library on Friday (7/5) through Pertamina Rosneft as a subsidiary of Sub Holding Refinery & Petrochemical operating in Tuban Regency. With the help of this EduBP unit, the library became the first in Tuban to transform into a digital library.
The handover of digital devices was carried out by representatives of Balai Pustaka, namely Jimmy Faridhon and Pertamina (Persero) represented by PRPP Corporate Affairs Yuli Wahyu Witantra, to Susi Sulastri as Head of Library Division of the Library and Archives Office of Tuban Regency. In the event, Suwarsono was also present as the Secretary of Jenu Sub-district who witnessed the handover of aid.
PRPP Corporate Affairs Yuli Wahyu Witantra said that Jenu Public Library was selected to be one of the 40 recipients of library digitization equipment assistance, after Pertamina Rosneft submitted a proposal regarding institutions entitled to eduBP device assistance in Tuban.
In the process, each area or operating unit of Pertamina Group proposes a maximum of three foundations, Islamic boarding schools, educational parks, reading gardens, or smart homes that are considered necessary to get the assistance of EduBP unit. Furthermore, a selection process is carried out to ensure that the digital facility will be managed properly and can achieve the goals in EduBP program.
"We hope that Jenu Public Library will be able to improve its services to the wider community, especially millennial generation in Tuban, so that reading activities and interests for younger generation can continue to be maintained in the middle off massive onslaught information and social media activities in this digital era," he explained.
Jenu Subdistrict is operating area of Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) which is currently still in the pre-construction stage. Currently, there are 12 public libraries in this district, which under Tuban Regency Library and Archives Office.
Head of Library Division on Library and Archives Office of Tuban Regency Susi Sulastri expressed her highest appreciation to Pertamina Group, because the library digitization assistance is currently very necessary. The reason is, pandemic has caused the level of public visits to the library to decrease, due to social restrictions.
"We are very grateful on Tuban Regency Library and Archives Office of Tuban. Hopefully with this help, literacy spirit of local communities will increase. Nowadays, frankly, with the pandemic, literacy activities have decreased. God willing, this assistance can help school students find materials for their benefit," she said.
Pertamina Rosneft is the implementer of the Tuban GRR project, which is included in the National Strategic Project (PSN). The refinery, which is predicted to be the largest petrochemical facility in Southeast Asia, is targeted to be operational in 2026 and is estimated to absorb approximately 27,000 workers at the time of construction, as well as 2,500 workers after the project is operational.