Contribute to Reducing the Effects of CO2, Pertamina GRR Tuban Planted 20,000 Sea Pine Seeds

Contribute to Reducing the Effects of CO2, Pertamina GRR Tuban Planted 20,000 Sea Pine Seeds
Tuban, 17th February 2021 – Although not yet fully operational, Pertamina GRR Tuban continues to be committed to develop the environment around the company’s operating area. Realizing the potential impact of operation on surrounding environment, especially beach areas, Pertamina GRR Tuban in collaboration with Mangrove Center Indonesia Foundation, an NGO that focuses on environmental conservation in Tuban and East Java, has planted and greened beach areas in 3 villages of Jenu, Tuban, namely Jenu Village, Mentoso Village, Mentoso Village, and Purworejo Village through planting 20,000 sea pine seedlings.
Wiko Taviarto, Project Coordinator of Pertamina NGRR Tuban said this sea pine planting program is expected to contribute significantly to absorption of CO2 effects. "In addition, sea pine can absorb air pollution such as CO2, for 1 tree can absorb CO2 of 126.51 kg / year. When multiplied by the number of trees we plant is 20,000 trees, the amount of CO2 that can be absorbed is 2,530,200kg / year," said Wiko.
The planting of Sea pine on coast in Jenu is one of the disaster mitigation efforts in the region, which is needed for coastal protection, restraint abrasion/coastal erosion, breaking large waves can reduce the rushing of waves before reaching land. Sea pine was chosen because it is an endemic, woody plant and has a long life span.
The planting of sea pine was actually completed at the end of December 2020 and on Wednesday (17/2) the Handover Ceremony for Planting & Greening of Sea Pine in Jenu, Tuban Beach Area was carried out in the area of Indonesian Mangrove Center Foundation.
The event began with the symbolic handover of assistance for planting 20,000 sea pine seedlings from Wiko Taviarto, Project Coordinator of Pertamina NGRR Tuban to Ali Mansyur, Founder and Chairman of the Mangrove Center Indonesia Foundation. Pertamina planted 4,000 sea pine seedlings each in Mentoso and Purworejo Villages, and 12,000 in Jenu Village. Ali said that planting sea pine is very useful for preventing abrasion. "This activity can also be developed because in addition to having a positive impact on the environment, it can also provide health benefits and can be used as a beautiful recreational facility in a green place," continued Ali.
Also present in this activity were the Regent of Tuban, Head of Regional Development Tuban, Head of the Marine and Fisheries Service East Java Province, Head of the Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Service Tuban Regency, Head of the Environmental Service Tuban Regency.
On the occasion, the Regent of Tuban, Fathul Huda, expressed his gratitude and happiness because Pertamina GRR Tuban continues to realizse its CSR programs. "CSR carried out on all fronts is considered, health, education, religion, environment, fishermen by providing insurance premiums, almost all are considered," fathul said.
Active planting of this tree is the initial stage and is expected to be maintained continuously by the government, the community and the business world as an effort to reduce disaster risk.