Implement Persada Program, PRPP's Approach to Environmental Education From an Early Age

Tuban, 24 November 2023 – In order to commemorate the 6th Anniversary of PT PRPP on November 28, 2023, PRPP and PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) – Early Work Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban collaborated to organize the Persada program or the School Environmental Education Program at GRR Tuban. The activity was held from November 15, 2023, to November 24, 2023, in 6 (six) elementary schools: SDN Sumurgeneng 01, SDN Sumurgeneng 02, SDN Rawasan, SDN Mentoso, SDN Wadung, and SDN Beji 01. A total of 591 students received education on environmental aspect, waste management, and environmental conservation. Additionally, the companies aided total of 500 plant seedlings distributed among the six schools.
Yuli Witantra from PRPP's Corporate Affairs emphasized the importance of the role of the younger generation as the front line in supporting environmental conservation in the future.
"It is crucial to instill a love for the environment in the younger generation because they will be at the forefront of conservation efforts in the future. Therefore, we initiated this program to be held in elementary schools because we believe that environmental education is crucial to introduce from an early age," said Yuli during the Persada event at SDN Beji 01 on Friday (11/24/2023).
"Through this program, it is hoped that all young students awareness of the environment will be elevated and encourage them to actively engage in environmental conservation, starting with simple actions at home, such as conscientiously disposing of waste in the right place and caring for plants around their homes and schools," she continued.
In addition to being a manifestation of the company's commitment to environmental conservation, the implementation of Persada also supports the Adiwiyata program adopted by schools. Notably, SDN Sumurgeneng 01 and SDN Rawasan have successfully won the Adiwiyata awards at the Tuban District level.
"Alhamdulillah, the Persada was right when there was an Adiwiyata competition in Tuban Regency and our elementary school won 1st place," explained Sampurno, the Head of SDN Rawasan. "SDN Rawasan expresses many thanks for the assistance," he concluded.
“We, at Rawasan Elementary School, would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your assistance.” He concluded.
Appreciation was also expressed by Masti’ah, the Head of SDN Sumurgeneng 01. She emphasized the importance of continuous environmental education programs like Persada for educational institutions.
Meanwhile, Reizaldi Gustino, the President Director of PRPP, reiterated the company's commitment to environmental conservation efforts, especially in Tuban District.
"After focusing on tree planting programs in the previous year, this year we have adjusted the approach to environmental conservation programs by adding an educational aspect. This program certainly touches on two aspects at once, namely environmental conservation through plant seed aid and human resource development through education," said Reizaldi.
"We hope this program will be well-received by all relevant parties, and certainly, in line with the development of the GRR Tuban Project, PRPP and the KPI - GRR Tuban Project team will continue to develop similar programs with broader benefits for the Tuban community," he concluded.
The Persada program is a continuation of environmental conservation efforts by PRPP and KPI - GRR Tuban. Previously, in 2022, there are 2,800 plant seedlings were planted on Bukit Wilis, Suwalan Village, and 20,000 mangrove seedlings were planted on the beach in three villages in the Jenu Subdistrict, namely Purworejo, Mentoso, and Jenu in 2021. Specifically, this environmental conservation program is the company's commitment to fulfilling SDGs, especially SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on Land).