Collaborating with ITB Alumni Association, Pertamina Rosneft Gives Covid Care Donation

Jakarta, August 10, 2021 — As an effort to contribute handling of Covid-19 pandemic, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (Pertamina Rosneft) in collaboration with Ikatan Alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung (IA ITB) launched the Pertamina Rosneft Peduli Covid-19 initiative. The initiative was realized through oxygen cylinder lending assistance which was carried out online on Tuesday (10/8/2021).
The need for oxygen cylinders is increasingly crucial following the surge demand in Indonesia due to the increasing number of Covid-19 patients entering hospital care by showing moderate and severe symptoms. As of Tuesday (10/8/2021) there were 448,508 active cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia undergoing treatment, out of a total of 3,686,740 national Covid cases.
This condition also triggers an increase in the need for oxygen cylinders. According to World Health Organization (WHO) which refers to conditions in China, on average around 15% of Covid-19 patients show severe symptoms so they need oxygen therapy. Meanwhile, another 5% are in critical condition requiring treatment in the Emergency Department (ER) with the help of oxygen cylinders and ventilators.
Kadek Ambara Jaya, President Director of Pertamina Rosneft, in his speech emphasized that the nation's children must work hand in hand and raise the spirit of sharing to help the government deal with the impact of the pandemic which is still protracted, due to the spread of the delta variant of the Covid-19 virus throughout the world.
"(The development of the Covid-19 situation) in Indonesia is currently extraordinary. Since July the aggregate number of positive cases of Covid-19 has reached more than 3 million. Even sadder, so many new orphans due to this Covid-19 pandemic. This uncertain condition should be a starting point for us to cultivate a personality that has empathy and a spirit of sharing", said Kadek.
For this reason, Kadek expressed his appreciation for the Oxygen Cylinder Lending Assistance Program organized by IA ITB so that it can be a way for everyone and companies to contribute to handling Covid-19. "We are grateful that IA ITB provides an opportunity for us to share, and hopefully our contribution can ease the burden on our fellow Covid-19 sufferers", said Kadek.
IA ITB through the Natural Disaster Management Agency of IA ITB during Covid-19 pandemic has organized several support programs for the community in dealing with the effects of Covid-19, including by borrowing oxygen cylinders, providing medicines, to free vaccinations. The collaboration between Pertamina Rosneft and IA ITB is a strategic step for Pertamina Rosneft to contribute to the covid-19 response and simultaneously foster good relations with the company's stakeholders at large.
Gembong Primadjaja, Chairman of IA ITB, in his speech conveyed his commitment to distribute Pertamina Rosneft assistance to those in need. "The Natural Disaster Management Agency IA ITB has played an active role in helping Covid-19 sufferers, both in the form of oxygen cylinders and the provision of medicines, which can be requested at any time to us. We would like to thank Pertamina Rosneft for the contribution and spirit of sharing shown on this occasion", concluded Gembong.