Realizing Company Collaboration towards the Development of Human Resources for the Community Around the Refinery

Blora, Juli 18, 2022 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) builds collaboration with communities around Tuban in supporting the implementation of refinery construction in the Tuban area. The real step of collaboration with the community around Tuban is to improve the quality of human resources in Tuban through the absorption of young men and women from Tuban who have completed the further education scholarship program from Pertamina at Politeknik Energi dan Mineral (PEM) Akamigas in Cepu, Central Java.
"Like our commitment at the beginning of the program, all scholarship recipients who complete their education will be directly worked at PT KPI's refinery facilities spread across a number of locations in Indonesia. We can't wait for their work with us and dedicate the knowledge that has been received while attending education", said Kurnia Salwa Dewi, Vice President of Human Capital of PT KPI, on the sidelines of the 51st Graduation of the Applied Undergraduate Program for the 2021/2022 Academic Year at the Graha Oktana Building, PEM Akamigas Cepu Campus, Monday (18/7/2022).
It was recorded that a total of 20 students who received the PEM Akamigas scholarship from Pertamina from Tuban underwent the process of handing over graduation certificates which at the same time marked the end of students' education at PEM Akamigas. Acting Corporate Secretary of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional, Milla Suciyani explained that the further education scholarship program at PEM Akamigas is one of the collaborations with the community and the environment carried out by the Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Project team to improve the capabilities of community around the operating area, in this case targeting the younger generation. Moreover, the company believes that education is the most important long-term investment as the basic capital of development, especially education for people who come from the area around the company's activities.
The company sees the importance of efforts to increase capacity of the community around company's operations through educational scholarship programs. This scholarship program is a commitment of PT KPI to develop the human resource capacity of community around the company's project area. In 2021, PRPP has also provided the same scholarships to 26 students from Tuban. In addition to Tuban, scholarships were also given to 30 students from the West Java Petrochemical Complex development project area in Balongan Indramayu where the 30 students were given the opportunity to study the Diploma III Program at the Akamigas Balongan Campus and Indramayu Polytechnic.
"It is hoped that the recipients of this scholarship will become a new source of energy for refinery management, as well as the company's steps in achieving ESG in terms of recruiting and developing competent workers from around Pertamina's operational areas", explained Milla. This is also in line with the company's support for realizing SDG's 4th quality education and SDG's 8th, decent work and economic growth.
One of the Pertamina scholarship recipients at PEM Akamigas, Tin Khoirinnatul Musyarofah or familiarly called Inna, expressed his enthusiasm to immediately contribute to Pertamina's refinery. "After graduating, I hope to join Pertamina soon and practice the knowledge I have gained from PEM Akamigas to make the PRPP refinery a success, proud of my parents, people around me as well as my area", said the student from Sumurgeneng Village, who is also the best graduate.
PT KPI's efforts through this further education scholarship program are the company's strategic steps to support the government's efforts to increase the capacity and capability of the younger generation who are the future energy of the nation. It is hoped that the scholarship recipients can make the most of this opportunity and in the future can become part of the young energy of the Pertamina Refinery and can contribute optimally in advancing Tuban and Indonesia in the future.
Reizaldi Gustino, President Director of PRPP stated that as a company that will build and operate the GRR Tuban refinery, believes that this scholarship program will have a positive impact on increasing the capacity of human resources around the GRR Tuban project area. "We hope that the graduation of the Pertamina scholarship recipients will encourage local residents to compete to increase their capacity so that Tuban residents can host in their own area by contributing optimally to the Tuban GRR refinery and other refinery support activities", said Reizaldi.