PRPP News Highlight
Published: 1 - 9 - 2022

Employ Jenu Youth at the Pertamina Refinery, A Form of Heritage of GRR Tuban Refinery to the Jenu Community

Employ Jenu Youth at the Pertamina Refinery, A Form of Heritage of GRR Tuban Refinery to the Jenu Community

Tuban, September 1, 2022 - A sense of emotion, joy, mixed with pride radiated on a sunny morning in Wadung Village, Jenu District, Tuban on Thursday (1/9/2022) where 20 young generations from Jenu received further education scholarships from the Akamigas Energy and Mineral Polytechnic (PEM) class of 2019 who graduated last August, dispatched to the Refinery Unit-IV of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) in Cilacap to be worked as a prospective worker.

The group of Jenu scholarship recipients, which were delivered by their parents, were released directly by Imam Sunarto, Senior Project Manager of Early Work of PT KPI from the ground breaking area of the Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) project, Wadung Village, Jenu District, Tuban. Imam said that the students who went to Cilacap were pioneers or paved the way for other young Jenu generations who were expected to play an important role in the Tuban GRR refinery in the future.

"You are currently placed in another operating unit in the hope that you will gain a lot of experience both as an operator and other fields in the refinery. Later, when the Tuban GRR refinery is completed, you are expected to return as leaders in the Tuban GRR refinery. Therefore, you have to learn as much as possible in a new place later", concluded Imam in his briefing to the Jenu scholarship recipients before departure.

Imam also emphasized the importance of implementing an Occupational Safety and Health (K3) culture to all Jenu scholarship recipients considering the complex and high-risk nature and environment of work at fuel refineries. The imam closed his remarks with the hope that all these prospective workers can become the pride of the country.

"Jenu is currently already heard in Europe, in Russia, and in Madrid. They have launched the construction of a refinery in Jenu District, Tuban Regency. If this refinery is finished and you become part of the progress of this refinery, of course, you will be proud of your parents, Tuban, and Indonesia", concluded Imam.

The departure of these scholarship recipients to RU-IV Cilacap is a new milestone for efforts to empower the community around the Tuban GRR project area in Jenu where the younger generation who come from the area are not only given the opportunity to study at leading high schools in the field of oil and gas, but also directly worked at the company's fuel processing plant facilities. This proves that PT KPI, especially the Tuban GRR project, is fully committed to advancing and encouraging the development of human resources in the area around the project in Jenu District. This is also in line with the company's support for realizing SDG's 4th quality education and SDG's 8th, decent work and economic growth.

This commitment was reaffirmed by Milla Suciyani, Acting Corporate Secretary of PT KPI, on a separate occasion, who stated that the company, especially the Tuban GRR Project, intends to leave the best legacy in the form of community capacity building through education.

"That's right, education is the most important long-term investment in efforts to build people's civilization. In addition, education is the best legacy because it will not be cut off from its benefits to the wider community if it is transmitted to the community. Therefore, the company, including in this case the Tuban GRR project, is very focused on programs aimed at increasing the capacity of the community", explained Milla.

Ahmad Zaenul, one of the graduates of PEM Akamigas scholarship recipients, revealed that he was unable to say a word when he was told the scheduled departure of the group to RU-IV Cilacap to be worked at PT KPI. The feeling of happiness, gratitude, and emotion mixed into one in the young man from Wadung Village. Zaenul also invited the youth of Jenu Subdistrict to expand their knowledge and enthusiasm in achieving their goals because Tuban needs new energy to build and develop Bumi Wali City.

"For now, I am focusing on gaining knowledge and experience outside, later returning to Tuban is ready to help with development in Tuban, my beloved city", concluded Zainul.

Reizaldi Gustino, President Director of PRPP stated that as a company PRPP will build and operate the Tuban GRR refinery, positively welcomes the departure of these Jenu youths to Cilacap to be worked as workers. "We hope that these PEM Akamigas graduates can take advantage of this opportunity to gain as much knowledge as possible because when the GRR Tuban refinery operates, we need skilled workers as the backbone of the refinery. The presence of these PEM Akamigas graduates as experts and skilled we are waiting for in Tuban as a tangible manifestation of progress and pride in Tuban Regency to host in its own area", said Reizaldi.

A total of 20 young generations are part of a total of 21 children who received scholarships from the company in 2019, similar scholarships were also given to 26 other Jenu young generations in 2021 so that a total of 47 Jenu young generations have received further education scholarships at PEM Akamigas. It is hoped that the scholarship recipients can make the most of this opportunity and in the future can become part of the young energy of the Pertamina Refinery and can contribute optimally in advancing Tuban and Indonesia in the future.

News Highlight