Distributing Social Assistance, PRPP’s Way Enhances Ramadan 1445 H in the Surrounding Area of Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban Project
Tuban, April 3, 2024 – Welcoming Ramadan 1445 H coinciding with the year 2024, PRPP once again organized a social assistance program in the form of distributing basic food necessities to underprivileged communities in 6 (six) villages around the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Project Area in Tuban, Jenu Subdistrict, Tuban Regency. The six villages are Wadung, Sumurgeneng, Mentoso, Rawasan, Kaliuntu, and Beji. This activity is part of the company's routine efforts during Ramadan as a form of caring for the surrounding community.
This activity held on Monday (04/01/2024) and Tuesday (04/02/2024), where the distribution of assistance was conducted door to door to households in need by the PRPP team along with the Early Work GRR Tuban team, accompanied by local village officials.
"Alhamdulillah, amidst our efforts in preparing for the execution of the GRR Tuban Project, this year PRPP still has the opportunity to distribute this staple assistance to the communities around the project area. This is one of our commitments to the development of the social conditions of the surrounding community," explained Yuli Witantra from PRPP's Corporate Affairs, during the activity.
PRPP distributed more than 1,000 packages of basic food necessities to underprivileged communities during Ramadan in 2024.
“We hope that this assistance can be well-received and contribute to the joy of Ramadan for the community, especially those who are underprivileged, especially given the recent significant increase in prices of basic food necessities. We also hope for the prayers and support of the community around the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Project area so that our preparations for the integrated refinery and petrochemical industry project execution can proceed smoothly,” Yuli concluded.
Meanwhile, Sodikin (35 years old), a member of the Mentoso Village administration who actively participated in implementing this program, expressed his appreciation to the company.
“The assistance from PRPP is very helpful and is one of the eagerly awaited programs by the community. We hope that this program continues in the future, and if possible, the targets can be increased,” explained Sodikin.
In addition to the basic food necessities distribution program this Ramadan, PRPP also provided assistance to more than 80 orphans. These two activities are a manifestation of the commitment to implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially number 1 no poverty, and number 2 zero hunger.*