Supporting the Preparation of Superior Tuban Youth, PRPP Shares Tips and Tricks to Face the Era of Society 5.0

Tuban, October 25, 2023 – It is undeniable that the development of human life in the 21st century is progressing very rapidly. The revolutionary development of technology in the last three decades has sparked the automation of all aspects of life by using machines to replace human labor, requiring people to change their way of life and follow the times. Not yet finished with the 4.0 era which emphasizes digitization or the utilization of internet access as a support for life, the global community including Indonesia is already facing the 5.0 era which demands the integration of technology into human life, that insistence people to be able to solve problems with a technological basis.
This fact needs the attention of all elements, including the world of education, which is expected to actively contribute to preparing the young generation who are ready to face the era of society 5.0. In response to this, the PRPP in collaboration with SMKN Tambakboyo Tuban on Tuesday (24/10/2023) held a seminar on the challenges and employment opportunities in preparing Tuban as an industrial city in the 5.0 era, where the seminar was one of the series of Smekta 2023 activities at SMKN Tambakboyo Tuban. The speaker at the event was Yudhistira Tri Prakoso, Manager of Human Capital Operations & Medical PRPP.
In his presentation, Yudhistira conveyed that the era of Society 5.0 is a concept focusing on humans who can collaborate and utilize technological advances, encouraging people to adapt and make use of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) for ease of obtaining information and performing various activities, especially in the workplace.
"Society 5.0 demands human resources that are reliable, resilient, and capable of adapting to rapid technological advances. This will encourage young people to develop creativity and innovative thinking skills in solving problems based on technology," he said.
Yudhistira emphasized that specially for communication skills can be developed and trained from school age by actively participating in organizational roles and engaging in social activities both within and outside of school. The broader the scope of activities, the more insights students gain to develop creativity and innovative thinking skills, enhance communication skills, and build networking for the students.
Addressing PRPP's contribution to developing the young generation of Tuban in facing the era of Society 5.0, Yudhistira reiterated PRPP and the GRR Tuban Project's commitment to the education sector.
"Since the beginning of the GRR Tuban Project in 2019, PRPP and GRR Tuban have shown attention and seriousness in developing the younger generation. One of our flagship programs is the D3 PEM Akamigas Scholarship Program for a total of 47 high school graduates in Tuban, of which 20 have graduated and have been employed as workers at the Pertamina refineries. Several aid programs and collaborations with educational institutions in Tuban have been implemented. We ask for your prayers for the success of the GRR Tuban Project. Certainly, as our project progresses, we will continue to arrange other educational programs to develop the younger generation in Tuban," Yudhis concluded.
Meanwhile, the Head of SMKN Tambakboyo, Ratna Ayumilia, S.Pd., M.Pd, expressed her appreciation to PRPP for supporting the seminar and job fair. According to her, this event is very insightful for all attendees, especially for the students of SMKN Tambakboyo, in preparing themselves to face the challenges in the era of Society 5.0.
In addition to the seminar, PRPP also involved in Smekta 2023 job fair exhibition, which attracting dozens of visitors to the event.