Synergy of All Elements of GRR Tuban Project, Spreading Goodness at the Moment of Eid Al-Adha

Tuban, June 28, 2023 - The moment of Eid al-Adha in 2023 or 1444 Hijriyah is used by Pertamina Group companies involved in one of the National Strategic Projects, the Grass Root Refinery Tuban (GRR) to spread goodness. On Tuesday (26/06/2023), the Asset Management Function of PT Pertamina (Persero), the Early Work Function of the GRR Tuban Project of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional, and PRPP simultaneously distributed a number of sacrificial animals to a number of stakeholders in Tuban Regency.
The sacrificial animals to be distributed amounted to 11 sacrificial animals, namely 1 cow and 10 goats to be distributed later to the entitled sacrificial recipients. The cows themselves were handed over to the sacrificial animal distribution committee of the Tuban Regency Government, while 10 goats were handed over to 6 (six) villages around the Tuban GRR Project area, namely Wadung, Sumurgeneng, Rawasan, Mentoso, Beji, and Kaliuntu.
This initiative received appreciation from stakeholders around the Tuban GRR Project area. Gianto, Head of Sumurgeneng Village, expressed his gratitude for the goat assistance provided by Pertamina.
"Hopefully Pertamina's friends will always be given smooth running both workers and companies in preparing this GRR project", Gianto said.
The same speech was delivered by Afan, Chairman of Youth Organization in Beji Village. Afan hopes that as the project progresses, the company's social contribution will be felt by the community.
Met in a separate place, M. Solihin, Sr. Project Manager Early Work GRR Tuban, voiced the commitment of all elements of GRR Tuban Project to proactively contribute to the Tuban community through a number of social community programs in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility programs and other supporting programs such as donations, assistance, and other similar programs.
"Although the GRR Tuban Project is still in the process of preparation, this does not prevent the company from continuing to contribute to the community. Muslim holiday moments like this are never missed by us to hold social programs, most recently the GRR Tuban Project in Ramadan 2023 through PRPP distributed 1,000 food packages which has been routinely carried out since 2019. Including now through the synergy of all elements of the Tuban GRR Project, both from the Pertamina (Persero) Asset team, our team Early Work GRR Tuban, and PRPP, we are back by distributing sacrificial animal assistance and hopefully it can provide optimal benefits to the community who will receive it", explained M. Solihin.
"Through this good and blessed Eid al-Adha moment, we also ask for support and prayers from all elements of the community for smoothness and ease in preparing the GRR Tuban development process, because later this refinery will become the property and pride of Tuban residents as well", concluded M. Solihin.
For information, through the Tuban GRR Project, an integrated fuel refinery will be built with the petrochemical industry in Jenu District, Tuban Regency as an effort to realize energy independence. In the current project preparation phase, there are 3 (three) Pertamina Group companies that synergize in the GRR Tuban project, PT Pertamina (Persero) Asset Management Function as the party responsible for land acquisition, PT KPI Early Work GRR Tuban as the team that prepares land through land clearing activities, and PRPP which will later build and operate the GRR Tuban.