Supporting the Development of Al-Quran Education in Ramadan, PRPP Organizes Quran Recitation Competition

Tuban, April 1st, 2024 - The development of Islamic preaching and education in the Jenu District of Tuban Regency can be considered quite rapid. This is evidenced by the growth of Islamic education centers, both formal and non-formal, in the Jenu District and the most prideful aspect is the achievements of the Jenu District and its residents in various competitions with Islamic educational themes. Most recently, the Jenu District achieved second place in the Tilawatil Quran Competition (MTQ) XXX at the Tuban Regency level in 2022.
Taking advantage of the momentum of Ramadan 1445 H or the year 2024, PRPP organized a Tartil Al-Qur'an Competition at the level of Al-Quran Kindergarten Education Center (TKA) and Al-Quran Education Centers (TPA) participated by students from Quran Education Centers located in 6 (six) villages around the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban on Saturday and Sunday (March 30 – 31, 2024) last week. This activity was held at the TPQ Matholiul Anwar building in Wadung Village and was attended by a total of 50 participants from 14 TPQs.
"This activity is one of our commitments to develop education in the project area, particularly in this case, the development of Islamic education and outreach," said Yuli Witantra from PRPP Corporate Affairs in his opening remarks at this event.
Yuli further explained that a few educational programs have been organized by the company, including providing scholarships and environmental conservation and safety education to several schools in Tuban and Ramadan period serves as an opportunity for the company to participate in the development of Islamic education in the Jenu District of Tuban Regency.
"Good luck and best wishes to all participants, let's not focus solely on winning or losing, but let's make this competition as our intention to spread Islam and Quranic education. Through this activity, we gain the benefits to developing education about the Al-Quran and reaping the blessings from Allah SWT, which, Insya Allah will be multiplied during this holy month of Ramadan," Yuli concluded.
Meanwhile, the Tartil Al-Qur'an competition received appreciation from various parties. Muthoharoh, the Head of TPQ Matholiul Anwar in Wadung Village, welcomed the activity enthusiastically and expressed appreciation for it. She stated that this Ramadan feels more festive for us as educators and for the children’s participating in the TPQ with the presence of this competition.
Similar sentiments were expressed by Subhan, the Chairman of the District Leadership Council (DPD) of the Indonesian Mosque Youth Communication Body in Tuban Regency, who was appointed as one of the jury members for this occasion. Subhan admitted to being impressed by the activities organized by PRPP during Ramadan this year. He also expressed appreciation for all the participants who have shown excellent standards for children's level.
In this competition, M. Nazril Muharom from TPQ Manbail Futuh in Beji Village became the winner in the boys' category at the TPA level, while Erina Aulia from the same TPQ won in the girls' category. Meanwhile, at the TKA level, Misbahul Ma’aarif from TPQ Darun Na’im in Beji Village secured the first place in the boys' category, and Anindhita Salsabila from TPQ Matholiul Anwar in Wadung Village in the girls' category was crowned as the champion.
The Tartil Al-Qur’an Competition at the TKA and TPA levels in 2024 is the first Quranic recitation competition organized by the company and is part of the commitment to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG number 4, which emphasizes providing quality education.