Strengthening Synergy with Stakeholders Ahead of FID, PRPP Hosts Volleyball Competition with Tuban Media

Tuban, 28 December 2024 – As the company mandated to execute the construction and operation of the integrated fuel refinery with a petrochemical industry, Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban, PRPP is currently in the final phase of its project development, preparing the Final Investment Decision (FID) documents. Despite this progress, the company recognizes that the success of the GRR Tuban Project also requires support and synergy from stakeholders, including the media, which plays a vital role in shaping the company’s image in the eyes of the public.
In line with this, on Saturday (28/12/2024), PRPP held the 2024 Media Forum in the form of a volleyball exhibition match between PRPP and PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Early Work GRR Tuban with journalist associations from Tuban Regency: the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Tuban and Ronggolawe Press Solidarity (RPS). A total of 32 journalists from online, television, and print media in Tuban Regency attended and enlivened the event.
Yuli Witantra, Senior Officer of CSR, stated in his opening remarks that as a company tasked with developing and operating one of the National Strategic Projects, GRR Tuban, it is crucial to foster good relationships with the media to build and maintain the company's reputation, which is essential for the smooth preparation and execution of the project.
“The strong relationship between the GRR Tuban Project and Tuban media colleagues has been established since 2019 through the Tuban NGRR Project team of PT Pertamina (Persero) during the land acquisition process and perhaps even earlier when land acquisition plans for the previous location were initiated. Although PRPP joined later during the development phase, we are delighted to continue and strengthen these established relationships,” Yuli added.
“Amid the critical preparation phase for GRR Tuban, we remain committed to fostering good relations with stakeholders, including our media colleagues, who have supported us in disseminating information about our project's progress. We hope this synergy will continue as the project progresses into the construction and operational phases in the future,” Yuli concluded.
In the volleyball exhibition, PWI Tuban emerged as champions after defeating PRPP/KPI Early Work GRR Tuban and RPS, securing the top position in the 2024 Media Forum Volleyball Exhibition. PRPP/KPI Early Work GRR Tuban and RPS took second and third place, respectively.
Positive feedback regarding the event was conveyed by Suwandi, Chairman of PWI Tuban.
“Alhamdulillah, at the end of this year, PRPP invited us for a friendly gathering and sports activity. We hope this collaboration continues and strengthens in the future,” Suwandi said in his remarks.
A similar sentiment was shared by Dion Fajar Arianto, Secretary of RPS, who also expressed hope for sustained synergy and collaboration between PRPP and KPI Early Work GRR Tuban.
In addition to the volleyball exhibition, PRPP used the 2024 Media Forum to recognize several journalists who actively supported the company’s information dissemination efforts by publishing press releases throughout 2023 and 2024.
PRPP is mandated to develop and operate GRR Tuban, planned to be established on approximately 840 hectares of land in Jenu District, Tuban Regency. GRR Tuban is projected to have a crude oil processing capacity of 300,000 barrels per day, producing high-quality Euro V-compliant fuels and petrochemical products such as polyolefins and aromatics. Alongside preparing for the Final Investment Decision, PRPP is also in the process of procuring contractors for Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) work to build the GRR Tuban fuel and petrochemical facilities.*