Spreading Enthusiasm and Inspiration to Vocational Students, GRR Tuban Runs Goes to School Program

Tuban, June 20, 2023 - As a form of the contribution of the Tuban GRR Project to the world of education, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Early Work Grass Root Refinery Tuban (GRR Tuban) and PT PRPP on Tuesday (20/06/2023), came together to greet and share knowledge with students at State Vocational High School (SMKN) 1 Tambakboyo, Tambakboyo District, Tuban Regency through an activity entitled Tuban GRR Refinery Goes to School.
The activity held at SMKN 1 Tambakboyo is the 4th activity after previously on the 8th, 13th, and 15th in June 2023, the same activity was held at SMKN 3 Tuban, SMK Manbail Futuh, and SMKN 1 Tuban with a total of 650 students.
Mashudha, Vice Principal for Public Relations of SMKN 1 Tambakboyo, representing the principal, in his speech expressed his appreciation to the GRR Tuban team and PRPP for the implementation of this activity.
"The knowledge conveyed by the GRR Tuban team will be a useful provision in the future. Later in 5 years Tuban will become an industrial city with a refinery, hopefully the students will not only be spectators, but actively involved in contributing", said Mashudha.
Taking the focus of introduction to the GRR Tuban Project and aspects of occupational safety and health (K3) in the oil and gas industry, the GRR Tuban Goes to School invites students to begin to understand and apply safety culture as a provision in carrying out activities at home, school, and later in the world of work. In addition, students are also invited to know and understand the danger of fire as one of the causes of disasters, as well as the practice of extinguishing fires using traditional methods with burlap sacks and light fire extinguishers.
On a separate occasion, M. Solihin, Senior Project Manager Early Work GRR Tuban underlined the importance of knowledge about occupational safety and health (K3) aspects to SMK students in connection with the strategic role of SMK as a formal educational institution that produces work-ready young generations.
"This vocational school or SMK is unique because the characteristics of the education system are based on skills development that focuses on preparing young people who are ready to be deployed in the world of work. Therefore, it is very important that these SMK students have been equipped with understanding and knowledge about K3 so that later when they enter the industrial world they are not surprised and are familiar with K3-based procedures and ways of working", he explained.
"Hopefully what was conveyed by GRR Tuban and PRPP colleagues can be accepted by the younger students of SMK and can be implemented in everyday life", concluded Solihin.
Reizaldi Gustino, President Director of PRPP, emphasized the importance of this program to arouse enthusiasm and inspire vocational students in Tuban that later there will be a mega project to build an integrated fuel refinery with the petrochemical industry in Tuban involving large-scale labor.
"We always hope that the young generation of Tuban will be able to contribute actively to the Tuban GRR Project both in the construction and operation phases. But of course this must be balanced with capacity building and this kind of program is what triggers the synergy of the world of education with industry whose ultimate goal is of course to improve the quality of human resources of Tuban's young generation", explained Reizaldi.
It should be noted that GRR Tuban together with PRPP had previously also organized a number of social community programs in midwives in the form of CSR programs and other supporting programs, including further education programs for 47 students at the Akamigas Energy and Mineral Polytechnic as well as assistance for educational facilities and infrastructure to a number of educational institutions. A total of 20 scholarship students have graduated from PEM Akamigas and have been employed as workers at Pertamina refineries throughout Indonesia.