Promote The Spirit of Independence Day, PRPP Distributes Social Assistance For Retired Army and Police Officers

Tuban, September 1, 2023 - The moment of commemoration of the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2023 is considered as a good moment by PRPP to implement social program for the community around the Grass Root Refinery Tuban (GRR) Project area. On Wednesday, 30 August 2023, PRPP held a social program in the form of charity and complimentary medical check-up for retired Indonesian National Army (TNI) and Indonesian Police (Polri) in Jenu Sub-District as well as a several number of elderly people domiciled from surrounded of the GRR Tuban Project area.
"Inspired by the spirit of the TNI and Polri units in defending independence by maintaining the unity of Indonesia and ensuring public order and security, we acted by conducting share and care activity with retired TNI and Polri officers in Jenu Sub-District where they were on active duty, they have had devoted themselves to defending the independence of our country", said Yuli Witantra, from Corporate Affairs of PRPP was met on the sidelines of the event.
A total of 34 retired TNI and POLRI officers received charity and complimentary medical check-up services from the company. Prior this activity, they had also been invited by PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional – GRR Tuban Early Work Function to the 78th Indonesian Independence Day Commemoration ceremony on August 17, 2023 in the GRR Tuban project area. In addition, PRPP also provided the same assistance to total of 59 elderly people from 6 (six) villages located surrounded the GRR Tuban Project area.
Suwari, one of the retired POLRI officers and Chairman of the Retired POLRI Association Branch Jenu expressed his appreciation to PRPP for the implementation of the activity.
"This is a very good activity, we ask that the company can hold similar activities regularly. Thank you very much for the attention given by PRPP because this is an encouragement for the retired officers of the National Police and Army in Jenu District", said Suwari who was met at the event location.
Suwari also underlined the importance of the fuel refinery integrated with the petrochemical industry construction project named GRR Tuban Project as the country's future project since the benefits could be perceived in the long term.
"We request PRPP to continue to synergize with all elements of local community, including in this case the government and law enforcement officials, because good synergy will certainly play important roles the smoothness running of projects or company activities", concluded Suwari.
The event, which was attended by the Head of the Jenu Sector Police, Iptu Riyanto and the Secretary of Jenu Sub-District, Sarwan, was closed with a health seminar delivered by a doctor team of Nahdlatul Ulama Hospital Tuban.
"We strive to continue to contribute to the community around our project area, hopefully this little of our assistance can be well received and useful. In addition, the most important thing is that this assistance can encourage all retired TNI and Polri officers to fill the independence by continuing to contribute actively to the community", concluded Yuli.