Pertamina GRR Tuban Helps Mosque Construction in Kaliuntu

Tuban, February 16, 2021 - Pertamina Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban provided assistance funds for the construction of bathroom facilities and ablution places at Miftahul Huda Mosque, Kaliuntu Village, Tuban on Tuesday (16/2).
On this occasion, the CSR Expert Staff of Agency for Regional Development Tuban was also present who supervised for handover process of assistance funds to Ta’mir Management of Miftahul Huda Mosque Kaliuntu.
Ainul Yakin, secretary of Ta’mir Managament Miftahul Huda Mosque, expressed his gratitude to PT Pertamina (Persero) Tuban GRR Project for the assistance provided and underlined that every company must contribute to the progress of society around the company’s operating area. “Thank you for the assistance provided and what is provided by Pertamina is a form of commitment that campoany’s existence must contribute to development of surrounding community, especially in Jenu”, said Ainul.
Kartono, the CSR Expert Staff of Agency for Regional Development Tuban emphasized the importance of empowering and sustainable CSR programs by Pertamina to the society, “We appreciate Pertamina's concern for Tuban society, especially Jenu through the CSR programs that have been implemented. However, it is very important to implement CSR programs that are empowering and sustainable", he said.
"We also hope that there will be society coaching so that they can be equipped with relevant technical expertise so that they can improve the capacity and quality of human resources of the Jenu community", concluded Kartono, who previously served as jenu sub-district head for ten years.
On another occasion, Yuli Witantra, a representative of Pertamina GRR Tuban, said that the construction of bathrooms and ablution places is a form of Pertamina GRR Tuban's concern for the development of public and social facilities, especially worship places in the area around the company's operations. "Mosque in the city of Bumi Wali is an important public facility and social facility and it used regularly every day by the society, so Pertamina is moved to support the construction of the mosque facility", concluded Yuli.