PRPP News Highlight
Published: 23 - 7 - 2024

Increasing Internet Security Awareness, MAS Manbail Futuh Students Learned Cyber Ethic from Russian Expert

Increasing Internet Security Awareness, MAS Manbail Futuh Students Learned Cyber Ethic from Russian Expert

Tuban, 23 July 2024 - 4.0 era which being ignited in global at recent day has encouraged integration online world and production line in industrial activities, by utilizing internet as the backbone. The indicator of this event is shown by ease of internet access from anywhere and by anybody through out the world using the gadgets. Gadget usage both brings positive and negative impact in one time whereas the young generation including school age students as the vulnerable party that may impacted by ease of internet access negative excess for instance cyberbullying, hoax, even criminal act such as phising, malware and data theft.

Based on this condition, PRPP and Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban implement GRR Tuban Goes to School with theme Gen-Z Siber or Generasi-Z Sadar dan Bijak Bermedia Sosial (in English: Wise and Aware Generation-Z during Social Media Activity). In Tuesday (23/07/24) MAS Manbail Futuh locate at Beji Village has became first implementation area of the program.

Vladislav Smetanin, Manager Compliance of PRPP in his presentation reminded MAS Manbail Futuh students to maintain ethics during surfing in online world.

“Cyberspace or internet world is nothing different with the real world so that what you have done in cyberspace, (then the impact) must be back to ourself. “said this Russian PRPP employee.

Vlad, his nickname, emphasized the importance being behave between netizen since everythings that have done during surfing in the internet may impact to serious consecquences both of in reputation as well as legal aspects in the future.

Meanwhile, Mamduhah Najwa (18) one of participants responded positively on the implementation of GRR Tuban Goes to School whereas the students has obtained the knowledge related to safe online activities as well as existence of PRPP and GRR Tuban that preparing one of national strategic project located nearby of their school.

Mentioned about the material has delivered by Russian speaker, Najwa, her nickname could not hide her enthusiasm on this matter.

“(The presence of expat speaker) is very exiting. We and the colleagues were surprised with that. In the beginning we were confused, but Alhamdulillah finally we understood (with the material) and it was brought high beneficial to us.” She concluded.

Similar enthusiasm has shown by Ahmad Nucholis (17). XII grade student who is also content creator with thousand of followers on his social media account stated that the material delivered was very useful since add new information and motivate himself to create useful content.

Program GRR Tuban Goes to School Sebagai Media Berbagi Pengetahuan

GRR Tuban Goes to School Program as a Knowledge Sharing Media

GRR Tuban Goes to School Program is routine program fruit of PRPP and PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Early Work GRR Tuban Project collaboration as a commitment of GRR Tuban Project element responsibility to develop Tuban Regency education level. The responsibility is realized in form of knowledge sharing to students of the schools located at surrounding of GRR Tuban Project area.

This activity is the one of mandate of PT Pertamina (Persero) as a holding company to be involved on human resource development through education and sharing knowledge in technology aspect, so we committed to develop the program that could leverage community’s knowledge in education and technology.” Opened Abdullah, Head of QA/QC PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional GRR Tuban Project during his speech in the event.

Abdullah hoped that the GRR Tuban Goes to School activities could leverage awareness on cybersecurity and responsibility to protect personal data, in addition the student could be more cautious in creating social media contents as well as the usage of the social media itself.

Beside Vlad, acting as a speakers in this activity were Fahrudin Yusuf, Sr. Analyst IT Operations PRPP who deliver material related cybersecurity, and local Tuban Regency social media enthusiast Denny Sumarna and Dio.

News Highlight