PRPP News Highlight
Published: 18 - 7 - 2024

Graduating with an Diploma 3 Degree from PEM Akamigas, This is the Ambitions of a Former Parking Attendant from Jenu Sub District, Tuban Regency

Graduating with an Diploma 3 Degree from PEM Akamigas, This is the Ambitions of a Former Parking Attendant from Jenu Sub District, Tuban Regency

Tuban, July 18, 2024 – Feelings of emotion, pride, and nervousness overwhelmed Adhitya Teguh Wahyudianto (23). Adhit, as he is commonly known, along with 25 selected students from Jenu District, Tuban Regency, recipients of the D3 education scholarship at PEM Akamigas from PRPP, underwent the handover ceremony of PEM Akamigas students to PRPP on Thursday (18/07/2024), marking the end of their scholarship-funded education at the campus.

"The hope of going to college was initially quite difficult because our financial situation was lacking. Moreover, I graduated from a vocational school (SMK), where the mission seemed to be to graduate and immediately find work," Adhit said, recounting the beginnings of his college journey at PEM Akamigas through the PRPP scholarship program.

Adhit has taken on various jobs, including as a convenience store employee, construction laborer, and even a parking attendant, to support himself and help his family's economy. He worked these odd jobs for two years until he felt the need to improve his situation by continuing his education.

"I had already paid for one semester at a university when I received information about the PRPP scholarship. I submitted the documents, took the test, and, Alhamdulillah, I got into PEM Akamigas. This scholarship program is very helpful for the local community, especially for us, to achieve our dreams of improving our family's economic status and education level," he concluded.

The handover ceremony coincided with the 53rd graduation ceremony of PEM Akamigas at the Graha Oktana building, PEM Akamigas Campus, Cepu, Blora Regency. During the ceremony, PEM Akamigas Director, Erdilla Indriani, symbolically handed over the students who had completed their education to PRPP, represented by Yudhistiro Tri Prakoso, Manager of Human Capital Operations & Medical.

Reizaldi Gustino, President Director of PRPP, expressed his appreciation and congratulations to all PRPP scholarship recipients who completed their education on time.

"Congratulations to the PRPP scholarship recipients who have completed their education on time with good results. We can even confirm that the GPA of all our foster students is above 3. This proves that the quality of human resources in Tuban, especially around the GRR Tuban Project area, is not inferior to other regions," Reizaldi said on a separate occasion.

Reizaldi hopes that all scholarship recipients will continue to learn and create so they can actively contribute to the development of Tuban Regency.

"The real challenge will be how these students can apply their knowledge in society. However, we are confident that with what they have gained during their education, these students will be successful in the future. We also extend our thanks for the support and assistance from all parties involved in this program, from the selection stage in 2021 until now, including PEM Akamigas, the Regional Government of Tuban Regency, and the Jenu District Government," Reizaldi concluded.

The 26 students who participated in the handover ceremony are the second batch of scholarship recipients from the area around the GRR Tuban Project by Pertamina Group. In 2022, 20 students completed their education at PEM Akamigas and have since contributed to the community.

The PEM Akamigas D3 Scholarship Program is a manifestation of the company's commitment to developing human resources around the GRR Tuban Project area through education while implementing Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 4, which is to provide quality education.

News Highlight