Encourage the Empowerment of Tuban Residents, PRPP Along with UGM Held Local Products Expo

Tuban, July 31 2022 — Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) supported by PRPP held a local products expo with the theme "Soul of Jenu" to encourage community empowerment around the location of the Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) project.
The exhibition took place on the field of Sumurgeneng 2 Elementary School on Sunday (31/7/2022), with two series of events, namely the product exhibition of 17 villages in Jenu District, which was followed by the Merti Bumi's congratulatory ceremony led by local scholars.
This collaboration between PRPP and the Center for Rural & Regional Development Studies (PSPK) and the UGM Anthropology Laboratory (LAURA) was aimed to improve Jenu residents' confidence in their local products represented by each village in Jenu District.
This event is a part of the social mapping activities that began in November 2021 where Jenu District is projected to be a new industrial center, following the presence of several industries including fuel refineries and petrochemicals facilities by PRPP. This activity was attended by several government officials of Tuban Regency, including the Head of the Cooperative, Industry and Trade (Diskoperindag) Tuban, the officials of Sub District Jenu Leader Forum, member of and a number of village heads in Jenu Tuban District. Also present at the event, was a member of the Tuban Regional House of Representatives from Jenu District, Fahmi Fikroni.
The Head of Tuban Diskoperindag, Agus Wijaya, gave appreciation to PRPP and UGM for conducting this activity as an effort to improve the independence of the people of Jenu District.
"To all supporters of the event in this case PRPP, UGM, and all others who have provided assistance, I hope this assistance will continue and not only for this time. Hopefully, we can hold an annual event in order to promote the local products, culture, or other potentials in the Jenu District," Agus said in his greeting speech.
"This moment is hoped to be the economic revival in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic," said Agus.
Senior Researcher of PSPK and LURA UGM, PM Laksono stated the importance of this event as an appreciation for the community's efforts in manifesting an independent society. In addition, this activity is aimed as an effort to re-identify Jenu resident' souls in responding well and harmonizing people's lives for the changes in Jenu's surroundings amid modernity and industrialization, including those coming from the construction of the Tuban GRR refinery.
"We firmly believe that only with an open mind and soul, society can be independent and be developed. Harmonization must occur between the independent parties, no one is depressed, and no one is forced to. That's the core of harmonization," said Laksono.
Previously, PRPP and UGM had collaborated to conduct community empowerment training in nine villages around the project area of Tuban GRR Project in Jenu District. These community empowerment programs include training in economics and non-economic areas such as environmental management, and training in strengthening village institutions.
A total of 38 training sessions were attended by 397 participants in nine villages around the area of the Tuban GRR project where the training program was held in two stages; June 26–July 7 and July 12–July 17, 2022
The Head of the Sumurgeneng Consultative Body, Ciptono (47 years old), stated the activities guided by UGM so far have been in accordance with the needs of the village residents. However, he hopes that the program will not end and will be followed up with various assistance.
On a separate occasion, the Corporate Affairs of PRPP, Yuli Witantra, stated that the entire range of activities undertaken by the UGM team since November 2021 which was closed with the Expo were PRPP's commitment to support community development around the Tuban GRR project area in Jenu where this activity was used as a participatory approach by actively engaging citizens in every activities.
"Along with UGM, we have planned activities with the concept of an approach from, by, and for the community. We hope that this program will bring benefits to all the parties involved, especially to the 9 villages around the location of the GRR Tuban project and we are ready to continue to continue with the community empowerment program that has been initiated by the UGM team," said Yuli.