Empowering Local Residents, Pertamina Rosneft provides Oil and Gas Study Scholarships

Tuban, 8th September 2021 — PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahna dan Petrokimia (Pertamina Rosneft) is committed to creating long-term benefits for the communities around its operational areas. This commitment is realized this time through Oil and Gas Diploma III (D3) Scholarship Program aimed at young men living in Jenu District, Tuban Regency, East Java.
Pertamina Rosneft believes that education is the most important long-term investment as the basic capital of a country's development. All developed countries have something in common in this regard, namely the advancement of educational facilities and inclusive access for the people to enjoy education at various levels.
However, education access is still a big job for developing countries, including Indonesia, especially in the midst of pandemic crisis. The United Nations (UN) recorded that the number of children and adolescents who dropped out of school in the pandemic era reached 258 million people worldwide. This was revealed in the Global Education Monitoring Report 2020 report compiled by the United Nations Institute for Education and Culture, namely the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).
Therefore, Pertamina Rosneft tries to help empower local communities by providing access to education through Diploma III (D3) Scholarship Program at Politeknik Energi dan Mineral (PEM) Akammigas, Cepu. The Company allocates funds finance students to study at Akamigas, which is an official university under Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. This program is also a form of the company's commitment to realize one aspect of Sustainable Development Goal No. 4, namely Quality Education to the people of Tuban.
"This scholarship program is one of the efforts to show that the GRR Tuban project and PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia are serious in carrying out operational activities in Tuban by not only running a business but we want to invite the people of Tuban, Jenu in particular to advance and develop together," said Kadek Ambara Jaya, President Director of Pertamina Rosneft at signing ceremony of cooperation agreement for the D3 PEM Akamigas Scholarship Program at the Pendopo Tuban Regency, Wednesday (September 8, 2021).
This scholarship program, he continued, is part of the company's responsibility in developing human resources (HR), especially regional teenagers in the area around company's operations. A similar scholarship program was implemented in 2019, which was awarded to 21 children from the company's operating area in Jenu Subdistrict. However, in 2020, this program was interrupted because Pertamina Group focused on handling the emergency covid-19 response program. This year, Pertamina through Pertamina Rosneft resumed the scholarship program.
Kadek also hopes that the recipients of this scholarship one day can make good use of this opportunity to develop themselves optimally and try their best when studying later. "After coming from PEM Akamigas, all younger siblings will be challenged to be able to contribute to the progress of Tuban and are expected to become new energy for the GRR Tuban in the future," he continued.
In line with Kadek, Deputy Regent Tuban, Riyadi, in his speech also left a message to the scholarship recipients to develop themselves as optimally as possible when participating in lecture activities. "Please the opportunity to study at PEM Akamigas can be maintained properly. We hope that Tuban's children can be the best in the future."
"We also hope that the cooperation and synergy between Pertamina Rosneft and Tuban Regency can always be built, maintained, and improved so that all Tuban people can feel the blessings of Pertamina Rosneft's presence," riyadi concluded.
After screening a total of 97 registrants, in this year's D3 PEM Akamigas Scholarship Program, Pertamina Rosneft dispatched 26 students from 7 villages in Jenu district, namely Beji, Jenggolo, Rawasan, Remen, Sumurgeneng, Temaji, and Wadung. Prospective students will leave for Cepu in mid-September 2021 to take part in teaching and learning activities at PEM Akamigas dormitory.