Celebrating Ramadan 2023, PRPP Distributes 1,000 Basic Food Packages to Jenu Tuban Residents

Tuban, April 18, 2023 - The month of Ramadan, known as a month full of blessings for Muslims, is often used as a momentum to compete to give a helping hand to others. Coinciding with the month of Ramadan 1444 H or 2023, PRPP took advantage of this momentum to organize social activities by distributing 1,000 food packages to underprivileged communities in 6 (six) villages around the Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) project area in Jenu District, Tuban Regency. The villages are Wadung, Sumurgeneng, Rawasan, Mentoso, Kaliuntu, and Beji.
This activity was carried out on Saturday (15/04/2023) and Sunday (16/04/2023) where the special distribution of food packages was carried out directly by the PRPP and GRR Tuban teams to residents' homes accompanied by local village officials.
"Alhamdulillah, PRPP is still given the opportunity to organize social activities like this, especially in the month of Ramadan, of course, this assistance is highly expected by people in need. It is hoped that this assistance from us will bring benefits to the recipients considering that our country is still struggling in economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic", explained Reizaldi Gustino, President Director of PRPP on a separate occasion on Tuesday (18/4/2023).
In addition, social programs organized by PRPP also received attention from the people of Jenu.
"I am very grateful to PRPP for providing groceries to residents in need", Said Warno, one of the community leaders of Wadung village. He also hopes that in the coming year this program can continue to run and can reach all people in need.
In addition to providing groceries, the company also provided assistance to a total of 75 orphans from the project location area dan Ramadan activity assistance to the Mansyaul Huda 02 Senori Islamic Boarding School.
"The company is currently facing a crucial phase of preparation for the construction of the Tuban GRR refinery, namely the final investment approval stage which plays a key role in the continuation of this project towards the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) phase. We hope for the prayers and support of all relevant stakeholders including all residents around the GRR Tuban project area for the smooth preparation of this national strategic project which is expected to contribute to the economic improvement of Tuban and East Java", Reizaldi concluded.
PRPP is a company part of Pertamina Group which is mandated to build and operate an integrated fuel refinery with the petrochemical industry, GRR Tuban. GRR Tuban is projected to process 300 thousand barrels per day of crude oil which produces EURO V standard fuel and high-quality petrochemical products.