Absorbing Local Power, Pertamina Rosneft This Year Continues Preparations for the Construction of GRR Tuban Refinery

Tuban, 14th January 2022 – Continuing the preparation activities for the construction of Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban which has been started since 2019, in 2022 the preparation process for the construction of GRR Tuban continues to be accelerated through a series of activities, namely the completion of technical design (Front-End Engineering Design / FEED), the fourth phase of land clearing activities, and the implementation of early work.
The preparation of the GRR Tuban Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) which began in early 2021 showed significant developments. As of 31st December 2021, the design process has reached 66.43%, or faster than the target set at the beginning of the year of 59.44%. The preparation of this FEED is a crucial phase in the construction of refinery, because from this FEED a complete refinery design and specifications will be obtained as the basis for continuing the project. Simultaneously, related to land preparation, the third phase of land clearing activities has been completed at the end of December 2021.
Mentioned about the development of human resources around Tuban, President Director of Pertamina Rosneft Kadek Ambara Jaya explained that all land preparation activities in the form of land clearing phase 3 which was completed in 2021 were held involving more than 300 workers, of which 98% were residents around the project. The implementation of the 1st to 3rd phase of land clearing work itself has involved more than 600 residents around the project.
"Pertamina Rosneft also participates in opening employment opportunities for the Tuban community which has been realized since the last 2 (two) years. Like the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana, we strive to play a positive role for others, for nature, and for God," he said.
In line with this philosophy, from an environmental aspect, Pertamina Rosneft has planted 20,000 sea pines which serve to reduce the effects of global warming due to climate change. Inherently, environmentally friendly policies are also carried out by designing office areas with the concept of green office and the design of GRR Tuban as a green refinery.
"In 2022, there are further activities, namely the fourth phase of land clearing by Pertamina GRR Tuban and early work by Pertamina Rosneft where Pertamina GRR Tuban and PRPP will certainly again empower the surrounding community and residents of Tuban," said Kadek.
Pertamina Rosneft and Pertamina GRR Tuban, he continued, have tried to increase the capacity of Tuban local communities through a series of programs such as D3 Scholarship of Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas (PEM Akamigas) which has been given to a total of 47 young generations from Tuban. "Pertamina Rosneft considers it important to develop Tuban's local human resources, especially to support the GRR Tuban project. We realize that we cannot fight alone and need the support of all parties involved," concluded Kadek.