PRPP News Highlight

Press Release

In order to provide public information, PRPP has opened information access to public for obtaining updated company’s activities through press release issued by the company.

Maintaining Workers’ Mental and Physical Balance: PRPP’s Approach to Accelerating the Execution of the GRR Tuban Project

In recent years, mental health issues have become a serious concern for many parties. According to a survey conducted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) between 2020 and 2022, 63% of workers experienced mental health disorders related to workplace issues

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Starting 2025 with a Pre-Bid Meeting for GRR Tuban Procurement, PRPP Emphasizes Project Deliverable Quality

Despite these challenges, the company is committed to adhering to the principles of OTOBOSOROR (On Time, On Budget, On Specification, On Return, and On Regulation), emphasizing the quality of deliverables at every stage of the project. This principle was underscored during a pre-bid meeting for site development work

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Strengthening Synergy with Stakeholders Ahead of FID, PRPP Hosts Volleyball Competition with Tuban Media

As the company mandated to execute the construction and operation of the integrated fuel refinery with a petrochemical industry, Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban, PRPP is currently in the final phase of its project development, preparing the Final Investment Decision (FID) documents.

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Teaching Urban Farming Principles in Elementary Schools: Instilling a Love for the Environment from an Early Age

students from three Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Islamic elementary schools) in Jenu District, Tuban Regency, had the opportunity to learn urban farming from Kampoeng Tani. This activity is part of the Persada Program, an environmental education initiative for schools around the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban project area,

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Efforts to Improve Health Standards, Jenu's Elderly Receive Vitamin and Pure Honey Aid

Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus phase, a phenomenon where the population structure is highly favorable for development due to a large proportion of the productive-age population.

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Encourage Employees to Deliver HSE Presentations in English, Achieving Over 4.5 Million Safe Work Hours for PRPP

It is undeniable that health, safety, and environmental (HSE) risks in the oil and gas industry are categorized as high-risk. This is due to the complex processes and activities in the industry, including the use of hazardous chemicals, heavy machinery, and high-pressure pipelines.

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Increasing Internet Security Awareness, MAS Manbail Futuh Students Learned Cyber Ethic from Russian Expert

4.0 era which being ignited in global at recent day has encouraged integration online world

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Graduating with an Diploma 3 Degree from PEM Akamigas, This is the Ambitions of a Former Parking Attendant from Jenu Sub District, Tuban Regency

Feelings of emotion, pride, and nervousness overwhelmed Adhitya Teguh Wahyudianto (23). Adhit, as he is commonly known, along with 25 selected students from Jenu District

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Participating in Action to Deal with Stunting, PRPP Collaborated with Persagi to Conduct Socialization to Community

In order to commemorate of Kartini Day, PRPP has collaborated with Indonesia Nutrition Association Tuban to initiate program named Cantik Di Hati

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Distributing Social Assistance, PRPP’s Way Enhances Ramadan 1445 H in the Surrounding Area of Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban Project

Welcoming Ramadan 1445 H coinciding with the year 2024, PRPP once again organized a social assistance program in the form of distributing basic food necessities to underprivileged communities in 6 (six) villages around the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Project Area in Tuban, Jenu Subdistrict, Tuban Regency

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Supporting the Development of Al-Quran Education in Ramadan, PRPP Organizes Quran Recitation Competition

PRPP organized a Tartil Al-Qur'an Competition at the level of Al-Quran Kindergarten Education Center (TKA) and Al-Quran Education Centers (TPA) participated by students from Quran Education Centers located in 6 (six) villages around the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban on Saturday and Sunday (March 30 – 31, 2024)

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Blood Donation, PRPP Concludes Series of Activities Commemorating National Occupational Safety and Health Month

As part of the series of activities commemorating the National Occupational Safety and Health Month in 2024, PRPP organized a blood donation program. The event was held on Tuesday (20/02/2024) at the Sopo Del Office Tower in South Jakarta.

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Implement Persada Program, PRPP's Approach to Environmental Education From an Early Age

Implement Persada Program, PRPP's Approach to Environmental Education From an Early Age

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Supporting the Preparation of Superior Tuban Youth, PRPP Shares Tips and Tricks to Face the Era of Society 5.0

It is undeniable that the development of human life in the 21st century is progressing very rapidly. The revolutionary development of technology in the last three decades has sparked the automation of all aspects of life by using machines to replace human labor, requiring people to change their way of life and follow

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Achieving 4 Million Safe Work Hours, GRR Tuban Refinery Project Receives 2023 Oil and Gas Safety Award

On Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at the JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta, PRPP received a prestigious award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Directorate General of Oil and Gas, namely the 2023 Oil and Gas Safety Award - Patra Nirbhaya Pratama.

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Consistently Providing Quality Education Support, PRPP Wins Subroto Award 2023

Since 2019, a total of 47 young people from Jenu have gained access to education through the D3 Scholarship Program at the Energy and Mineral Polytechnic (PEM) Akamigas where a total of 20 students in 2022 have completed their education and have been employed at a number of Pertamina Refinery Unit

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Promote The Spirit of Independence Day, PRPP Distributes Social Assistance For Retired Army and Police Officers

The moment of commemoration of the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in 2023 is considered as a good moment by PRPP to implement social program for the community around the Grass Root Refinery Tuban (GRR) Project area.

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Synergy of All Elements of GRR Tuban Project, Spreading Goodness at the Moment of Eid Al-Adha

The moment of Eid al-Adha in 2023 or 1444 Hijriyah is used by Pertamina Group companies involved in one of the National Strategic Projects, the Grass Root Refinery Tuban (GRR) to spread goodness. On Tuesday (26/06/2023)

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Spreading Enthusiasm and Inspiration to Vocational Students, GRR Tuban Runs Goes to School Program

As a form of the contribution of the Tuban GRR Project to the world of education, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Early Work Grass Root Refinery Tuban (GRR Tuban) and PT PRPP on Tuesday (20/06/2023),

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Celebrating Ramadan 2023, PRPP Distributes 1,000 Basic Food Packages to Jenu Tuban Residents

The month of Ramadan, known as a month full of blessings for Muslims, is often used as a momentum to compete to give a helping hand to others. Coinciding with the month of Ramadan 1444 H or 2023, PRPP took advantage of this momentum to organize social activities by distributing 1,000 food packages

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Hold a Townhall Meeting 2022, PRPP Commits to Continue Preparation for GRR Tuban Project

losing 2022, PRPP held a Town Hall Meeting 2022 on Friday (30/12/2022) with Refining a Better Future as its theme

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Ensuring Compliance with the Principle of Business Competition, PRPP cooperates with KPPU to Oversee the Procurement of EPC's Work

One of the important milestones of the PRPP in 2022 is initiate the EPC procurement prequalification phase for the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban project which was marked by the announcement on October 4, 2022

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Response to Global Issues Regarding Climate Change, GRR Tuban Project Planted 2,800 Plant Seeds Around the Project Area

Climate change causing an increase in earth's temperature has become a serious issue for global community.

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Promising Prospects, Petrochemical Investment Estimated to Reach US$ 30 Billion

he petrochemical industry is one of the leading industries that will become an economic buffer next year with an investment value of billions of dollars so it needs to get strong support from all policymakers (stakeholders)

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Employ Jenu Youth at the Pertamina Refinery, A Form of Heritage of GRR Tuban Refinery to the Jenu Community

A sense of emotion, joy, mixed with pride radiated on a sunny morning in Wadung Village, Jenu District, Tuban on Thursday (1/9/2022) where 20 young generations from Jenu received further education scholarships from the Akamigas Energy and Mineral Polytechnic (PEM) class of 2019 who graduated last August

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Innovation in the Fuel and Petrochemical Processing Industry, PRPP Launches General Design of High-Tech Refinery

Monday (1/8/2022) was a momentous day for PRPP, a ceremony for the completion of General Engineering Design (GED) for the construction of the Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban was held in Madrid, Spain

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Encourage the Empowerment of Tuban Residents, PRPP Along with UGM Held Local Products Expo

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) supported by PRPP held a local products expo with the theme "Soul of Jenu" to encourage community empowerment around the location of the Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) project

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Realizing Company Collaboration towards the Development of Human Resources for the Community Around the Refinery

PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) builds collaboration with communities around Tuban in supporting the implementation of refinery construction in the Tuban area. The real step of collaboration with the community around Tuban is to improve the quality of human resources in Tuban through the

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Organize Iftar Together, Pertamina Rosneft Cooperates with Tuban Local Media Crew to Oversee Preparations for the Construction of the Tuban GRR Refinery

A special moment occurred on Wednesday (27/4/2022) where the management and workers of Pertamina Rosneft and Pertamina Tuban GRR Project held an iftar together with a number of tuban local media crews. Taking place at Grand Javanilla Tuban

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Enlivening the Month of Ramadan, Pertamina Rosneft Holds Social Assistance Activities for the Residents of Jenu Tuban

The moment of Ramadan in 1443 H or 2022 was not missed by Pertamina Rosneft to enliven the holy month for Muslims to share with others through a series of social programs entitled Ramadhan Blessings with Pertamina Rosneft

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In the spirit of "No Point of Return" Pertamina Rosneft signed an agreement with a number of Pertamina Group companies

PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (Pertamina Rosneft), as a joint venture company between PT Pertamina (Persero) and oil and gas company Rosneft,

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Design Process Reaches 91%, Tuban GRR Refinery Project Is Halfway Through

The National Strategic Project (PSN) of the Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) refinery entered the finalization of the detailed design or Front End Engineering Design (FEED)

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Winning Scholarships, This is Dream of the Younger Generation in Tuban's "Billionaire Village"

A total of 21 from 47 Tuban students who received Pertamina Group scholarships this year entered the final stage of study at D-III study program of Politeknik Energi dan Mineral (PEM) Akamigas in Cepu

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On Track, Tuban GRR Project Successfully Absorbs 1220 Local Workers

The dedication of PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (Pertamina Rosneft) in overseeing the National Strategic Project (PSN) of GRR Tuban Refinery is shown in its performance in accelerating the project to optimize TKDN absorption. As a strategic project

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Recruiting Local Workers For Refineries, GRR Tuban Ensures Transparency Throughout The Recruitment Process

ertamina's dedication in overseeing the National Strategic Project (PSN) continues to be implemented through the construction of the Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR)

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Absorbing Local Power, Pertamina Rosneft This Year Continues Preparations for the Construction of GRR Tuban Refinery

ontinuing the preparation activities for the construction of Grass Root Refinery (GRR) Tuban which has been started since 2019, in 2022 the preparation process for the construction of GRR Tuban continues to be accelerated through a series of activities

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Fulfilling Power of National Strategy Project, Pertamina Rosneft Cooperates with PLN

In line with the Nawacita from President of Republic Indonesia to Realize Economic Independence by Driving Strategic Sectors of the Domestic Economy, and in accordance with the national energy grand strategy in the future

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Historic Train Line Revitalization, GRR Tuban Builds Connectivity with Industrial Centers

Along with the approaching construction stages of Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) project, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (Pertamina Rosneft) collaborated with PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) to revitalize the Dutch-era train line,

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Empowering Local Residents, Pertamina Rosneft provides Oil and Gas Study Scholarships

PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahna dan Petrokimia (Pertamina Rosneft) is committed to creating long-term benefits for the communities around its operational areas. This commitment is realized this time through Oil and Gas Diploma III (D3) Scholarship Program

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Reaching 1 Million Working Hours, GRR Tuban Refinery Project Prints 'Zero Accident'

The National Strategic Project of Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) has successfully realized its commitment to maintain a zero accident rate,

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Collaborating with ITB Alumni Association, Pertamina Rosneft Gives Covid Care Donation

As an effort to contribute handling of Covid-19 pandemic, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (Pertamina Rosneft) in collaboration with Ikatan Alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung (IA ITB) launched the Pertamina Rosneft Peduli Covid-19 initiative.

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Thanks to EduBP, Jenu Has the First Digital Library in Tuban

In order to improve community literacy in the digital era, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP) distributed assistance for libraries to provide digital services (go digital).

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Enlivening Ramadan, Pertamina Rosneft Tuban Orphan Allowance

In the midst of the Holy Month Ramadan, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan & Petrokimia (PRPP) carried out community social activities, supporting 57 orphans from six villages in Jenu, Tuban.

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Pertamina Rosneft Distributes Aid to 295 Students (Santri) in Tuban

Filling the holy month of Ramadan, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP) provided assistance to several Islamic boarding schools (Pondok Pesantren) in Tuban as part of its corporate social responsibility commitment,

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Amplify Safety System, Pertamina Rosneft Empowers Society Around the Refinery

In order to amplify safety commitments in Tuban Grass Root Refinery (GRR) project, PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP) recruited 76 residents around the project

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Supporting Covid-19 Control, PRPP Wins the PWI Tuban Award 2021

PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP) won PWI Tuban Award 2021 for companies concerned with handling Covid-19

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Completing the Land Acquisition Process, Pertamina GRR Tuban Continues the Land Clearing Stage

Pertamina GRR Tuban will continue the process of building a new refinery that is planned to operate in 2026. As previously known, Pertamina itself had previously completed the process of clearing 328 hectares of land and restoring 20 hectares of abrasion land

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Ensuring Land Purchase in Accordance with Provisions, Pertamina continues the National Strategic Project of the Tuban

Land acquisition for a new refinery or Grass Root Refinery Tuban (GRR Tuban) building purposes has been completed, Pertamina through Subholding Refining & Petrochemical, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional ensures that land acquisition is in accordance with applicable regulations.

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Contribute to Reducing the Effects of CO2, Pertamina GRR Tuban Planted 20,000 Sea Pine Seeds

Although not yet fully operational, Pertamina GRR Tuban continues to be committed to develop the environment around the company’s operating area. Realizing the potential impact of operation on surrounding environment, especially beach areas,

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Adding Alternative Seafaring Activities for Fishermen, Pertamina GRR Tuban Helps Provide Waring

Tuban handed over the waring equipment assistance to 101 fishermen in Kaliuntu Village on Tuesday (16/2). Located at Kaliuntu Village Hall, Jenu District, Tuban, the handover of aid began with the symbolic

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Pertamina GRR Tuban Helps Mosque Construction in Kaliuntu

Pertamina GRR Tuban provided assistance funds for the construction of bathroom facilities and ablution places at Miftahul Huda Mosque, Kaliuntu Village, Tuban on Tuesday (16/2).

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