Governance & Business Ethics

Governance & Business Ethics

The Code of Ethics is implemented as a tangible manifestation of the Company's commitment in implementing positive and healthy corporate principles. The code of ethics as a guideline for all people in action, behaving, and Company employee who uphold ethical values attitude.

The preparation and implementation of code ethics in the Company is always based on balanced and aligned moral principles. Through this comprehensive code of ethics, it is hoped that it can support the achievement of a positive work environment with people who are aware and obedient to laws and policies and have a wise and commendable attitude in carrying out their duties and responsibilities in the Company.

The main points of the code ethics consist of provisions on the vision, mission, superior values, GCG principles and models of behavior, as follows:

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Operations that fulfill the aspects of health, safety, security, and environment.

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Human resources include integrity at work, professional work attitude, equal career opportunities and avoid discrimination.

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Commitment to prevent deviations from regulations and standards, including complying with fair business competition, maintaining the accuracy and reliability of financial reports and management accounting, preventing fraud and corruption within the company, preventing conflicts of interest, and conducting due diligence.

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Partnerships through long-term commitments and relationships that are beneficial, guaranteed and mutually beneficial with stakeholders, government, society and business partners; not engage in political activities; and public information disclosure and media relations.

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Protection of the Company's assets, confidentiality of data and information, personal data, intellectual property rights; implementation of the Whistleblowing System.

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Compliance Guidelines

The corporation has created a thorough compliance governance data system to enable thorough business ethical compliance in order to achieve better performance.

The pertinent rules provide specifics on the compliance principles and our objectives for putting corporate ethics into practice.

1. Anti Corruption Policy

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2. Information Policy

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3. Guidelines on Managing Conflict

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4. Confidentiality Policy

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5. Policy On Personal Data Processing

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6. Guidelines On Gratification

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7. Guidelines On Whistleblowing System

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Whistleblowing System

In order to promote this commitment, PRPP provides a complaint service if there are indications of violations occurring within PRPP's work environment through a whistleblowing system. PRPP guarantees the confidentiality of personal data and the contents of reports submitted by the reporter.

Complaints can be sent via :
SMS: +6281119307768
Reports by physical mail can be sent to the address: Sopo Del Office Tower A, 39th Floor. JL. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10.1-6. Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12950.

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